

Date Content Media
2024-08-10 00:06:57
maybe there's hope.
2024-07-07 20:06:54
2024-06-05 17:45:14
2024-06-05 17:44:31
This is the end.
2024-06-05 17:42:46
We've had some news, and it's not good.
2024-06-02 19:07:09
Hello to all GLORIAMIST subscribers,We hope this message finds you in good health.We would like to draw your attention to a concerning situation regarding the founder of GLORIAMIST, Patcher (formerly known as DeathHack).For several days, we have not received any communication from him. This prolonged silence is unusual and has naturally caused concern within our group (especially me).Given recent events and the nature of our activities, it is possible that Patcher was the subject of an arrest at his home by the authorities.While this is purely speculative at this point, we think it's important to share our thoughts with you all.We are doing our best to get more information about his situation.We would like to point out that this is just a hypothesis and we cannot confirm anything at this time. We will continue to monitor the situation closely and will keep you informed as soon as we have new information.If anyone has information on Patcher's whereabouts or if there have been recent communications from him, please share it with us.Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.-Sparked.
2024-06-01 10:59:25
Greetings citizens of the World,We are back to work .We are GLORIAMIST India, LAPSUS, and Anonymous.Stay elegant🎩. Images
2024-05-31 18:39:06
Hello everyone, I am pleased to announce that once again LAPSUS$ has hit edf.frWe will only disclose a simple sample of their customer database containing: type, account_type, email, group, id, last_modif, login, last name, password, first name, postal_code, address, phoneHowever, we are selling the rest of the database containing around 300K customers, its price is $2000.(EDF pls improve your security)@ZZART3XX Images
2024-05-30 00:20:13
⚠️ ALERT ⚠️hello everyone,according to rumors circulating the idea of breachforums return is suspected of being a honeypot and the assumption is quite likely.I send this message to tell you to beware if you check the site. it will surprise me that the FBI in person manages to lose access and that breachforums returns as if nothing had happenedit's all weird.- Sparked.
2024-05-27 01:49:49
hello to all dear followers of LAPSUS$, Yesterday, Sunday, an Israeli strike hit a large number of Palestinians near Rafah, causing a large number of casualties.This atrocious massacre once again shows the brutality of Israel, which had nevertheless indicated that next to Rafah there was a humanitarian zone for the Palestinians.The reason for this strike according to Israel? - a strike “against legitimate targets”. We must act now to spread the #STOPGENOCIDE message and cause. Our attention and efforts will now focus on attacks targeting Israel. Actions planned against the USA will be postponed until later. Let’s mobilize and join forces for this urgent cause. Together we can make our voices heard and demand justice. 🇵🇸- Sparked. Images
2024-05-26 17:23:23
2024-05-26 15:28:27
2024-05-26 11:34:45
We give you one more day and you still haven't paid? Alright, we will start in few hours.
2024-05-23 18:23:50
Some file of database Images Images
2024-05-23 18:12:25
Dear GLORIAMIST members,We are pleased to inform you that our latest operation was a success. We have just hacked Science Po Paris and taken possession of several of their databases.We demand that Science Po Paris pay us the sum of $3,500 in Monero (XMR). XMR Address: 45Fo8nxduMMjmWCc2Pwxkk4F8ku5PhvfTfxram8W7fwXNrFuPyWDMr7YXzj3zHsQzSTJEgJshVVE9egkMatkYfQqHChBMDWIn the absence of a favorable response or payment within the deadline, we will disseminate all of the data recovered to the general public.Science Po Paris has 48 hours from receipt of this message to respond to our requirements. After this period, we will begin the distribution of sensitive data.If we learn that science Po has decided to file a complaint, it will be an immediate leak.Sciences Po Paris can communicate with us via:- Twitter: @GLORIAMISTS- Telegram: @GLORIAMIST_BOTWe are GLORIAMIST, Stay elegant.-Sparked. & Patcher. Images
2024-05-22 17:01:51
Something good is coming.Something elegant is coming.Something GLORIAMIST is coming.
2024-05-21 11:09:48
Greetings community,We actually search an intelx account with the Researcher subscription, we have an offer, contact us here : @DataGloriaBot Images
2024-05-17 22:10:16
Okay community, so be ready 😊
2024-05-16 20:54:24
2024-05-13 19:28:35
hello everyone, ✔️as you know, and as you have chosen, current LAPSUS$ target is the United States. 👀we would like the opinion of our community, we leave you the choice of a company to attack. the one that stands out the most will be our main target.📌use the #TARGET on : so that we can reference the company that comes back most often quickly and simply. ⭐️example: NAME OF COMPANY #TARGET- Sparked ✅️
2024-05-10 00:58:40
or maybe you want us to be a little more... radical ? but I think it might upset you...the choice is yours. 👀
2024-05-09 22:00:10
2024-05-09 21:47:27
Greetings community ✈️,Today, GLORIAMIST and LAPSUS$ would like to send a message to the French media and government. In certain articles concerning the hacking of the French Ministry of Agriculture, the government claims to have suffered no data leaks, and to have no vulnerabilities.We have two questions for you, and will provide you with the answers ^^.First : Have you ensured the security of your subdomains? Second : If your system contains no vulnerabilities, how do you explain the screenshot with a pop-up indicating an xss injection? Answers :First : No.Second : There are some vulnerabilities.We are GLORIAMIST 🎩Stay elegant 🎩
2024-05-05 14:26:49
https://particuliers.engie.frDatabase contains : "Nom Complet";"Numero Demande";"Adresse";"Demande saisie par";"Date demande";"Date programm�e";"Date Realisation";"En cours EHS";"Date RDV";"Type de l'�quipement (1)";"Marque de l'�quipement (1)";"Mod�le de l'�quipement (1)";"Type de l'�quipement (2)";"Marque de l'�quipement (2)";"Mod�le de l'�quipement (2)";"Type de l'�quipement (3)";"Marque de l'�quipement (3)";"Mod�le de l'�quipement (3)";"Installateur chauffagiste - Nom";"Installateur chauffagiste - Soci�t�";"Installateur �lectricien : Nom";"Installateur �lectricien : Soci�t�";"Agence EHS";"Nombre d'intervention par MES";- LAPSUS$ Images
2024-05-04 10:02:45
Greetings community,Here is our official Twitter account : are GLORIAMIST 🎩Stay elegant 🎩 Images
2024-05-03 10:15:40
Greetings community ✈️,GLORIAMIST is looking for pentester, we do not want beginners, only professionals.If you have other skills, it can be interessant, contact us here for recruitement : @GLORIAMIST_BOT
2024-05-02 11:33:14
United Kingdom, GLORIAMIST is here.We are GLORIAMIST 🎩Stay elegant 🎩 Images
2024-05-01 19:43:53
GLORIAMIST chooses the next target... Images
2024-04-24 20:06:27
Random website of news hacked by GLORIAMIST, don't worry we will not just do defacement 💀, we will continue to attack governments & companies.Reason of this attack : To show you our new deface page 😆TARGET : are GLORIAMIST 🎩Stay elegant 😏 Images
2024-04-22 20:04:52
Greetings citizens of the world,As announced by GLORIAMIST | LAPSUS$, part of the Anonymous movement, we have leaked 5% of the database of the French Ministry of Agriculture ( specify that it's the worst parts of the database that we're leaking publicly so as not to endanger the French people, as this is not our goal.If you'd like to see the entire database, including passwords and other interesting information, please contact us via the communication bot in the GLORIAMIST channel biography.The price of the entire database: $2,000We are GLORIAMIST, hacktivists of elegance and LAPSUS$ 🎩We are all Anonymous. 🥸Stay elegant 😏
2024-04-22 17:02:23
2024-04-21 14:57:34
Price : 4000$
2024-04-21 14:53:41
None Images
2024-04-21 14:52:55
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿Greetings citizens of the World,This is a message from GLORIAMIST, LAPSUS and Anonymous groups.If we send you this message, it is because tomorrow, we will leak 5% of the database of the French Ministry of Agriculture, the other 95% of the database will be for sale.This database is enormous, which is why we are only going to share 5% of it with you.We are GLORIAMIST, LAPSUS, and Anonymous.Stay elegant.🇷🇺Приветствую вас, граждане мира, это сообщение от групп GLORIAMIST, LAPSUS и Anonymous. Если мы отправляем вам это сообщение, то это потому, что завтра мы сливаем 5% базы данных Министерства сельского хозяйства Франции, остальные 95% базы данных будут выставлены на продажу. Эта база данных огромна, поэтому мы собираемся поделиться с вами только 5% от нее. Мы - GLORIAMIST, LAPSUS и Anonymous. Оставайтесь элегантными.🇫🇷Salutations aux citoyens du monde, Ceci est un message des groupes GLORIAMIST, LAPSUS et Anonymous. Si nous vous envoyons ce message, c'est parce que demain, nous ferons fuir 5% de la base de données du Ministère de l'Agriculture français, les autres 95% de la base de données seront à vendre. Cette base de données est énorme, c'est pourquoi nous n'allons en partager que 5% avec vous. Nous sommes GLORIAMIST, LAPSUS et Anonymous. Restez élégants.
2024-04-21 11:26:18
LAPSUS$ TESTING DIVISION GROUP is a group for people who want to join LAPSUS$. 🚴‍♀️send the list of sites you have defaced and we will select you based on your results. ⭐️We are looking for high-performance people, we want an ELITE. ✅️try to live up to LAPSUS$ ❤️A index page is provided to you, please use that one. Sparked
2024-04-14 11:24:09
Greetings community,A small part of the database of will arrive soon, the other part will be to sell.Sorry, it is very long to dump.Have a great sunday.We are GLORIAMIST 🎩Stay elegant 😏 Images Images
2024-04-13 23:22:10
2024-04-11 13:07:58
TARGETS : - was GLORIAMIST INDIA,Stay elegant 🎩#OpIndia Images
2024-04-10 11:43:24
Eid Mubarak ❤️
2024-04-09 19:31:29
Hello everyone its my new shop, soon i'm gonna make proof, gift, and some update. If you want buy, contact, or give idea join the channel. Big Gift at 500 members ✔️
2024-04-09 14:40:48
so far we have only done part of a great job, GLORIAMIST still has many surprises... 😏
2024-04-09 14:39:44
2024-04-08 15:31:47
Greetings community ✈️,We have seen some skids on Twitter who say that our attack on is fake because the website is not defaced 🤡🤡We are currently dumping their databases, it will leaked in few hours / days.We are GLORIAMIST 🎩Stay elegant 🎩
2024-04-07 11:34:32
For beginners and those who don't understand, this is an XSS attack.Explanation of the attack :Cross-site scripting (abbreviated to XSS) is a type of website security flaw that allows content to be injected into a page, causing actions to be taken by web browsers that visit the page.
2024-04-07 10:17:46
Greetings community ✈️,We have wait too long, the French governement, GLORIAMIST is here for you. is hacked, we will leak informations of this website soon.Thank you to our brothers LAPSUS$ for their contribution 🕳️We are GLORIAMIST 🎩Stay elegant 🎩 Images
2024-04-03 18:52:34
Greetings community ✈️,We will continue to attack the corrupted French governement.Tonight, we have carried a DDoS attack against the French National Agency for Information Systems Security.So France is represented by that, fix your security...Just wait few days, leaks on the French governement will arrive soon...Target : host : are GLORIAMIST 🎩Stay elegant 🎩 Images Images
2024-04-02 20:41:23
Greetings dear community,We have open a group chat to communicate with you, the community, this group chat is a simple community group chat where you can talk to have fun with other. Images
2024-04-01 18:54:20
The website of DGSI, down by GLORIAMIST.DGSI, is the General Directorate for Internal Security in French. on the French Governement will arrive soon.We are GLORIAMIST 🎩Stay elegant 🎩 Images
2024-04-01 18:37:40
Greetings citizens of the World,The biggest French company "Total Energies", has been downed by GLORIAMIST.French Governement, GLORIAMIST arrive...Check Host : are GLORIAMIST 🎩Stay elegant 🎩 Images
2024-04-01 17:48:42
Greetings community,As you know, GLORIAMIST is affiliated to Anonymous.Today, one of our friend in the Anonymous movement, called "AnonDolphin", has open his channel, where he will publish some news and attacks of groups in the Anonymous Movement.Channel : are all Anonymous 😂We are GLORIAMIST.Stay elegant 🎩(Sorry for the inactivity, we are back soon) Images
2024-03-28 18:29:33
Greetings dear community,Today, the Indian division of GLORIAMIST has open his doors, remember that this group will not stand with Israel or any zionist countries.All divisions of GLORIAMIST stand with Palestine.We are affialiated with Anonymous, we will always stand with them 🥸.We are GLORIAMIST.Stay elegant 🎩#FreePalestine #FuckIsrael Images Images
2024-03-28 18:19:24 #OpIsrael #OpIndia
2024-03-28 17:59:14
Greetings dear community,Today, the Indian division of GLORIAMIST has open his doors, remember that this group will not stand with Israel or any zionist countries.All divisions of GLORIAMIST stand with Palestine.We are affialiated with Anonymous, we will always stand with them 🫁.We are GLORIAMIST.Stay elegant 🎩#FreePalestine #FuckIsrael Images Images
2024-03-27 18:34:50
2024-03-27 18:34:45
2024-03-26 16:12:02
2024-03-25 20:24:07
2024-03-23 23:33:44
Greetings dear community,Now, we will help you, yes, YOU, the community, we will start to sell pentesting services, dox services...ALL REQUESTS CAN BE ACCEPTED.Prices will vary according to demand, but will not be expensive at all.Contact : @GLORIAMIST_BOTWe are GLORIAMIST.Stay elegant 🎩 Images
2024-03-23 16:35:16
WilloxSH sell:- RATs: • XWorm 5.6 - 20$ • Cypher RAT source code - 30$ • SpyMax v2 Source code - 25$ • Spynote 7.0 source code - 25$ • S500 RAT source code - 30$ • Eclipse RAT source code - 20$CCs: 1 CC - 5$ 5 CCs - 23$ 10 CCs - 40$To buy contact: @WilloxSH
2024-03-23 16:35:15
#paid_promotion 👇
2024-03-22 19:09:43
Scammer -> @tcpC0FF1N
2024-03-22 11:55:45
Greetings community, GLORIAMIST is still in recruitement.We search pentester, OSINT Investigator, reverse engineer etc...All profiles are good.Contact us : @GLORIAMIST_BOTWe are GLORIAMIST.Stay elegant 🎩 Images
2024-03-21 17:43:24
Go fuck this skid, he pretends to be a pentester selling his services but it's a scam. Here is some information:Name : alessio bruzzeseHigh School : Saint-Louis-Sainte-Marie Marseille Mail : alessio.bruzzese@stlouis-stemarie.orgTelegram : @y0urp3nt3stHis scam shop : : aah face : Images Images
2024-03-20 16:26:31
Dear community,We will maybe create a tool for the community.Tell us in the chat below which type of tool you want.After your ideas, we will create a poll, and the one with the most of votes, will be created.
2024-03-20 16:17:18
2024-03-20 12:50:35
Scammer : @Hackers_SSH
2024-03-20 06:48:15
Go follow our new Twitter account :
2024-03-19 17:44:54
None Images Images
2024-03-19 17:44:53
Hello everyone, Today I present to you LAPSUS$ ransomware FUD ✅Here are its characteristics : ➡️ Encrypt disk C➡️ Disable SecureBoot➡️ Disable UEFI➡️ Disable Windows Recovery ➡️ Mode➡️ Disable Windows Bitlocker➡️ Add Startup➡️ AntiTaskManager➡️ Block Access Path➡️ Hide TaskBarUpdate Soon : ➡️ Windows Defender Killer➡️ Regedit Disable➡️ Antivirus StopperIts lock interface is completely customizable on the following points: - Time Countdown- Contact Name- Message (White Box)Lifetime price : 400€Source code : 8000€ 🪙🔷🪙🪙For Buy or contact@ZZART3XX
2024-03-19 17:44:43
Greetings community 🌐,You probably don't know this, but GLORIAMIST and the LAPSUS$ Group are brothers, we've always been by their side, the founder of GLORIAMIST being himself a member of LAPSUS$, and the owners of LAPSUS$ being co-owners of GLORIAMIST 🥸So yes, now you know that GLORIAMIST and LAPSUS$ are brothers, but above all we're affiliated.We're also announcing that the LAPSUS$ ransomware is here, and I urge you to go and buy it, it's very powerful.We are GLORIAMIST 🥸Stay elegant 🎩 Images Images
2024-03-18 21:32:50
Now dear community,If you want to contribuate on this hack, go on the twitter account : on their last post, and tweet : You have been hacked by GLORIAMIST. Thank you community.
2024-03-18 20:45:45
Greetings community 🌐,The comeback is here. We start easily, just to tell you our country target.We have hacked, WITH ELEGANCE, the very famous French company, "Laposte".TARGET : HACKED : +56k EMAILS DUMPED : some thousandsThank you to GLORIAMIST members, and specifically KyotoSH, for his arrival in the group.We are GLORIAMIST 👑Stay elegant 🎩
2024-03-18 18:14:14
Greetings community,The comeback is soon.As you know, we are affiliated at Anonymous.I would like to thank you, our members, and 2 Anonymous members for the help in these operations.We are GLORIAMIST.Stay Elegant 🎩 Images Images
2024-03-16 17:03:49
2024-03-15 15:36:15
Greetings community,GLORIAMIST currently fuck an entire government, you will see soon whcih one. Be ready.We are GLORIAMIST.Stay elegant 🎩(We sell the Acunetix Scanner for a very cheap price, dm us : @GLORIAMIST_BOT, accepted payments : 💸💸) Images
2024-03-12 21:24:01
Who wants some elegant pfps ? 🎩Contact us : @GLORIAMIST_BOT🤫
2024-03-12 18:23:48
Comeback soon...
2024-03-10 20:13:18
Greetings community,Just a quick message from GLORIAMIST to wish our Muslim brothers and sisters a happy Ramadan.We are GLORIAMIST.Stay elegant 🎩
2024-03-08 18:20:03
2024-03-08 18:11:37
Greetings community,Sorry for the inactivity, but don't worry, if we are absent, it is because we work on BIG projects, and nobody is ready for that.Get ready in few days.We are GLORIAMIST.Stay elegant 🎩 Images
2024-03-04 21:49:00
Greetings, We have a news, Anonymous Europe is now dead, Anonymous Europe disappear. Bye Anonymous Europe.
2024-03-04 17:47:18
Greetings community,Just to remind you that we have a chat to communicate with you, join it ! are GLORIAMIST.Stay elegant 🎩
2024-03-03 21:38:26
⚠️ATTACK CURRENTLY STOPPED⚠️We will restart the attack tomorrow, at the morning in France.We are GLORIAMIST.Stay elegant 🎩
2024-03-03 18:56:46
Greetings dear community,Today, we announce a big cyberattack on the French Ski School, called ESF.We will see to keep the DDoS attack for +10 hours.TARGET : Host : are GLORIAMIST.Stay elegant 🎩 Images
2024-03-02 21:22:25
Simple deface attack by one member.HACKED BY GLORIAMIST==================== Images
2024-02-29 14:17:07
Hello dear community,GLORIAMIST is looking for an elegant video editor.If you would like to try your luck, please contact us here : @GLORIAMIST_BOT Images
2024-02-28 13:02:28
Malware in development... Images
2024-02-28 11:54:28
Greetings community,Just to show you our power on the web.After only few days in the cyberspace, our Twitter account has been suspended.Again a proof that we are different and better.We are GLORIAMIST.Stay elegant 🎩 Images
2024-02-28 07:52:27
The Brazilian government will soon belong to us... 🇧🇷To inaugurate this group, we are going to hit hard. Very hard. 🥸Defaces will surely arrive soon, stay connected, but above all, stay elegant. 🎩
2023-12-24 09:59:26
Channel created